A specific time to figure out what you want to do with your life.
While most gap years happen between college and grad school, or college and a first job, there is no rule that you can't take a gap year later in life.
Most of us rushed through school to start working! To make some money!
Because we were so eager to check all of the boxes on the “Adulting To Do” list: get a job, get married, buy a house, have some kids and raise them up, switch jobs, work your way up the corporate ladder. Check, check, check, check.
We were so focused on doing the next thing that most of us forgot to take a minute and figure out what you really wanted out of life.
is a 12-month experiential coaching program designed for high-achieving women who have been crushing it in their professional life — whether that’s as the CEO of their company or their household — but feel adrift or stuck in their personal life, and craving a shift to finally focus on themselves.
The Gap Year is a yearlong course to figure out who you are, what you actually want, and what matters most in this season of life.
Over the course of your Gap Year, you can expect:
"Laurie's Coaching Helped Me Become Who I Was Always Meant To Be!"
"Laurie’s coaching has truly inspired me to bend, stretch, jump and run towards the version of ME that makes me love myself more everyday."
"I Made A Decision To Leave My Current Position And Take Another Job. This Is Something I've Wanted To Do For Over 15 Years. Thank You!"
“I’m focusing now on making sure I’m living the life I want to live. Not waiting until retirement.”
"I'm Focusing Now On Making Sure That I'm Living The Life I Want To Live. Not Waiting Until Retirement."
"Laurie’s coaching helped me become who I was always meant to be!"
"I'm Focusing Now On Making Sure That I'm Living The Life I Want To Live. Not Waiting Until Retirement."
“I made a decision to leave my current position and take another job. This is something I’ve wanted to do for over 15 years. Thank you!”
Here Is What’s Waiting for You Once You Enroll in The Gap Year:
Each month, you’ll receive coaching modules to complete at your own pace, live group coaching sessions, journal prompts, and experiential exercises to immediately put the coaching principles you’re learning to work in your own life. So even though The Gap Year is a 12-month course, you’ll see immediate changes in your life!
Discover What’s Most Important to You So That You Can Live the Life You Want
How to Create Your Best Life in Midlife Without the Midlife Crisis
The Five Questions Every Midlife Women Should Know How to Answer for Herself
The Quickest Way to Figure Out What You Really Want
The Single Most Important Thing You Need to Learn About Yourself
Why SMART Goals Are Ruining Your Life
The Proven Formula for Creating a Life You Don’t Need a Vacation From
Everything You’ve Been Taught About Success Is Wrong
The Surprising Connection Between Our Childhood and the Patterns We Repeat in Midlife
How Much Money Do You Really Need to Retire?
The Sneaky (and Subconscious) Beliefs About Yourself That Are Holding You Back
The Truth About Failure
…and so much more!
The Midlife Reset Method | The BeST LIFE Framework | The Design Your Best Life Process | The Midlife Bucket |
The Quarterly Planning Session
...and more!
PLUS: Each Quarter, You'll Select Your Own "Internship" to Explore New Interests and Hobbies with a Beginner's Mindset
Sure, you can absolutely spend another 1, 2, 3 or more years trying to figure this out all by yourself. You’re a capable, hard-working, roll-up-your-sleeves kind of woman.
that frees you from the mindset that your worth and happiness are determined by the roles you play in the lives around you: mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, boss, employee.
It’s a program that empowers you to figure out what it is that you actually want, how you define success, what your best life looks like, and gives you the permission to make that your real life.
It’s the same proven frameworks and strategies that I teach my 1:1 coaching clients over the course of one year, at the cost of $25,000.
My mission is to improve the lives of midlife women everywhere so that they can make midlife their best life.
And because I’m committed to that mission, I want The Gap Year to be as accessible as possible to as many women as possible so that they can start living their best life today. Not waiting until retirement. Or until the kids leave the house. Or until the perfect time. Or the right time. Or “someday.”
For future incoming classes, The Gap Year will be at least $4,997.
That curiosity you’re feeling? That excited, anxious feeling of possibility you’re feeling?
It’s no coincidence. You KNOW that the time is right for you to do something just for you.
The time is right RIGHT NOW (well, as right as it will ever be).
You’re worth it.
And the investment will never be this low again.
12 months of live coaching calls where you’ll receive personalized support
(VALUE: $24,000)
Lifetime access to the School of Midlife library, resources and tutorials
(VALUE: $5,000)
12 months of ongoing email support to keep you on track as you work through the program
(VALUE: $2,400)
Private community with the School of Midlife team of coaches and your classmates for daily support and accountability
(VALUE: $Priceless)
The entire Gap Year course content delivered straight to your ears for listening on-the-go with our private audio podcast
(VALUE: $3,000)
The Gap Year course .pdf workbook filled with exercises, progress
trackers, journaling prompts and activities to safeguard you against
potential overwhelm
(VALUE: $500)
Think about it this way:
If the Gap Year works for you, your life will never be the same.
You’ll know exactly what you want to do with your life.
You’ll have clarity on who you want to be when you grow up,
and you’ll know exactly how you define success.
You’ll finally understand what your “best life” looks like,
and create a plan to make it a reality
Ever heard that your life is the product of all of the decisions you’ve made up until this point? Even those decisions that you’ve deferred, put off, or let someone else make for you. It’s true.
Which means that you’ll further delay living your best life. That you’ll again make the decision to give up on your dreams. Because if you could figure this out on your own, you’d already be living your best life in midlife.
BUT if you already know that you want to finally put yourself first in your own life and start living your best life in midlife, then the choice is simple.
Choose you. Choose your life.
Join The Gap Year and finally start living the life you know you are meant to be living!
12-Month Course Includes:
Monthly Live group coaching calls & replays
12 Months of Coaching Modules
12 Months Group Support
Downloadable Workbook
Your Next Chapter Book Club Discussions
Monthly Live group coaching calls & replays
12 Months of Coaching Modules
Access to entire online coaching library
PRIVATE Room at a Best Life Retreat
Quarterly 60-minute 1:1 coaching calls
Lifetime Access to The Gap Year
Access to entire online coaching library
12 Months Group Support
Downloadable Workbook
Lifetime Access to The Gap Year
Are you looking to level-up, but are you feeling anxious about baring your soul to a bunch of strangers during the live sessions?
For the lifelong learners and personal development junkies who are accustomed to reading books or attending conferences, you may be wondering what’s the deal with a digital course? How do they work?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but am I too old? Or maybe, am I too young?
I’m sure you want to go all-in on The Gap Year, but you’re wondering how you’ll find the time to complete the coursework with your busy schedule. And you’re looking at your calendar, wondering what if you won’t be able to attend all of the live coaching sessions. What then?
Will I get coaching from and direct access to Laurie? What if I have questions?
Are you someone who has tried other coaching programs before, and worried that this one won’t work for you? Is there a money-back guarantee?
I’m not sure if I can afford this?
What happens at the end of 12 months?
Are you looking to level-up, but are you feeling anxious about baring your soul to a bunch of strangers during the live sessions?
For the lifelong learners and personal development junkies who are accustomed to reading books or attending conferences, you may be wondering what’s the deal with a digital course? How do they work?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but am I too old? Or maybe, am I too young?
I’m sure you want to go all-in on The Gap Year, but you’re wondering how you’ll find the time to complete the coursework with your busy schedule. And you’re looking at your calendar, wondering what if you won’t be able to attend all of the live coaching sessions. What then?
The Gap Year curriculum is designed for the busy midlife woman who already has a lot on her plate. The exercises are meant to be completed in your spare time. (I know! What spare time?!) You’ll find that the first month of the coursework will actually help you “find” some spare time in your life.
Also, all modules will be recorded in both video and audio. Prefer to listen to a podcast-type coaching session? You got it! Would you rather watch a video? That’s available too!
Can’t make the live coaching sessions? No problem! Each live coaching session will be recorded and available in your course library within 24 hours. You can catch up when the timing works for you. But if you’re able to make it, you’ll want to attend LIVE because your questions will be answered in real-time and help shape the curriculum!
Will I get coaching from and direct access to Laurie? What if I have questions?
Are you someone who has tried other coaching programs before, and worried that this one won’t work for you? Is there a money-back guarantee?
I’m not sure if I can afford this?
What happens at the end of 12 months?
Are you looking to level-up, but are you feeling anxious about baring your soul to a bunch of strangers during the live sessions?
For the lifelong learners and personal development junkies who are accustomed to reading books or attending conferences, you may be wondering what’s the deal with a digital course? How do they work?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but am I too old? Or maybe, am I too young?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but how will I fit it into my already busy schedule?
The Gap Year is built for midlife women looking for more clarity and fulfillment in their lives. “Midlife” has historically been defined as women in their 40’s to 60’s, or when they are “halfway” through a typical life. However, I’ve found that the “midlife” angst is starting earlier and lasting longer.
So the quick answer to the question: you’re not too old. Or too young, for that matter. But the program will serve you best if you have at least some life experience under your belt.
Will I get coaching from and direct access to Laurie? What if I have questions?
Are you someone who has tried other coaching programs before, and worried that this one won’t work for you? Is there a money-back guarantee?
I’m not sure if I can afford this?
What happens at the end of 12 months?
Are you looking to level-up, but are you feeling anxious about baring your soul to a bunch of strangers during the live sessions?
For the lifelong learners and personal development junkies who are accustomed to reading books or attending conferences, you may be wondering what’s the deal with a digital course? How do they work?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but am I too old? Or maybe, am I too young?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but how will I fit it into my already busy schedule?
Since most of us went to high school and college before the Internet was a mainstream thing, many of us may have no experience with digital courses. To be honest, I took my first online course in 2019, and wasn’t exactly sure what to expect either.
Let me tell you: I love digital courses! They’re a modern twist on personal development…that you can work on your own schedule. Since everything is recorded, you can watch the coaching videos and pick up the pre-recorded live sessions when it works for you.
And even better: because you’re working through the materials during your normal life, it’s very easy to see how you can seamlessly and immediately implement what you’re learning. It’s not like going to a weekend conference, where you leave all hyped up and excited to make some life changes, only to have that post-conference buzz wear off as soon as you get home to real life.
Will I get coaching from and direct access to Laurie? What if I have questions?
Are you someone who has tried other coaching programs before, and worried that this one won’t work for you? Is there a money-back guarantee?
I’m not sure if I can afford this?
What happens at the end of 12 months?
Are you looking to level-up, but are you feeling anxious about baring your soul to a bunch of strangers during the live sessions?
For the lifelong learners and personal development junkies who are accustomed to reading books or attending conferences, you may be wondering what’s the deal with a digital course? How do they work?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but am I too old? Or maybe, am I too young?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but how will I fit it into my already busy schedule?
Look, I get it. We’re going to cover some vulnerable topics, and you may not feel comfortable sharing some of your private information with strangers on the Internet. But one of the rules of The Gap Year – just like “Fight Club” or Vegas – what happens in The Gap Year community stays within The Gap Year community.
Although you’ll get more out of the live sessions if you are able to attend in person, there is no obligation to share anything. I will also say that the live sessions will be more impactful for you if you choose to open yourself up and share what’s on your mind. But rest assured: there is also no obligation to have your camera on. You do you.
Over the course of The Gap Year, there will be a handful of optional “hot seats.” Hot seats are your opportunity to receive real-time feedback and coaching from Laurie and the rest of the group on a burning issue you’re dealing with or question you’re grappling with. Think of this as your own personal board of directors with deep bench-strength and experience. While the hot seats are incredibly helpful, they are completely optional.
Will I get coaching from and direct access to Laurie? What if I have questions?
Are you someone who has tried other coaching programs before, and worried that this one won’t work for you? Is there a money-back guarantee?
I’m not sure if I can afford this?
What happens at the end of 12 months?
Are you looking to level-up, but are you feeling anxious about baring your soul to a bunch of strangers during the live sessions?
For the lifelong learners and personal development junkies who are accustomed to reading books or attending conferences, you may be wondering what’s the deal with a digital course? How do they work?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but am I too old? Or maybe, am I too young?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but how will I fit it into my already busy schedule?
Will I get coaching from and direct access to Laurie? What if I have questions?
There will be two live group coaching sessions each month throughout The Gap Year course. Laurie will be live-coaching these sessions! You can plan to show up live for those calls, and get your questions answered!
Are you someone who knows she works better with more accountability and more personalized coaching? Sign up for the Private School curriculum, and in addition to all of the live group coaching sessions, you’ll get a quarterly 60-minute 1:1 coaching call with Laurie!
Are you someone who has tried other coaching programs before, and worried that this one won’t work for you? Is there a money-back guarantee?
I’m not sure if I can afford this?
What happens at the end of 12 months?
Are you looking to level-up, but are you feeling anxious about baring your soul to a bunch of strangers during the live sessions?
For the lifelong learners and personal development junkies who are accustomed to reading books or attending conferences, you may be wondering what’s the deal with a digital course? How do they work?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but am I too old? Or maybe, am I too young?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but how will I fit it into my already busy schedule?
Will I get coaching from and direct access to Laurie? What if I have questions?
Are you someone who has tried other coaching programs before, and worried that this one won’t work for you? Is there a money-back guarantee?
I know how impactful and transformational The Gap Year is, and I am so excited for you to experience the transformation for yourself! That said, if you’re not satisfied with the program for any reason before the end of 90 days, I will refund your money.
You just need to show me that you've actually done the work up until that point. Because if there is one thing I know for sure: there can be no transformation if there is no work first. And anyone who is trying to sell you a change-your-life-quick book with no actual work on your part is just trying to sell you a book.
I’m not sure if I can afford this?
What happens at the end of 12 months?
Are you looking to level-up, but are you feeling anxious about baring your soul to a bunch of strangers during the live sessions?
For the lifelong learners and personal development junkies who are accustomed to reading books or attending conferences, you may be wondering what’s the deal with a digital course? How do they work?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but am I too old? Or maybe, am I too young?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but how will I fit it into my already busy schedule?
Will I get coaching from and direct access to Laurie? What if I have questions?
Are you someone who has tried other coaching programs before, and worried that this one won’t work for you? Is there a money-back guarantee?
I’m not sure if I can afford this?
I get it. Choosing to invest in yourself always brings up some tricky emotions. Sometimes you feel guilty for spending money on yourself. The Gap Year is truly an investment in your life and your future. What’s most important to you: living your life to its fullest, or foregoing opportunities for your own personal growth and leaving a bunch of money to your family when you die? That choice should be an easy one.
Also, there are flexible payment plans. If you don’t see one that works for you, reach out to me at laurie@lauriereynoldson.com, and let’s talk. I don’t ever want price to be a barrier for any woman who wants to change her life.
What happens at the end of 12 months?
Are you looking to level-up, but are you feeling anxious about baring your soul to a bunch of strangers during the live sessions?
For the lifelong learners and personal development junkies who are accustomed to reading books or attending conferences, you may be wondering what’s the deal with a digital course? How do they work?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but am I too old? Or maybe, am I too young?
You’re probably thinking to yourself “this is EXACTLY what I’m looking for!” but how will I fit it into my already busy schedule?
Will I get coaching from and direct access to Laurie? What if I have questions?
Are you someone who has tried other coaching programs before, and worried that this one won’t work for you? Is there a money-back guarantee?
I’m not sure if I can afford this?
What happens at the end of 12 months?
So many great options! You can choose to renew The Gap Year at a discount of 25% off of the current offer pricing. Or move up to the Private School curriculum, with 1:1 coaching calls and a spot in a retreat of your choice…again, at a discount of 25% off of the current offer pricing. Or “graduate” and join us for the virtual alumni events!
Here’s EVERYTHING you’ll get when you join THE GAP YEAR:
12 months of live coaching calls where you’ll receive personalized support
(VALUE: $24,000)
Lifetime access to the School of Midlife library, resources and tutorials
(VALUE: $5,000)
12 months of weekly email support to keep you on track as you work through the program
(VALUE: $2,400)
Private community with the School of Midlife team of coaches and your classmates for daily support and accountability
(VALUE: $Priceless)
The entire Gap Year course content delivered straight to your ears for listening on-the-go with our private audio podcast
(VALUE: $3,000)
The Gap Year course .pdf workbook filled with exercises, progress trackers, journaling prompts and activities to safeguard you against potential overwhelm
(VALUE: $500)
That’s a total value of over $35,000
that you can get RIGHT NOW for just $437!