Uncover, Discuss, Explore:
Your Next Chapter
Book Club.

Turn  The Page.

What Do I Want?

What's My Legacy?

What's My Legacy?

What's Next For Me?

What's Next For Me?

A community of women to have candid conversations with, about all of the things that come at us in midlife that no one else seems to be talking about: changes in our bodies related to menopause, sure, but also changes in our relationships, family life, careers.

Is there a community of midlife women you could go to, to talk about those big life questions that seem to pop up in midlife:

Do You EverWonder...

Well, Great  News!

There is! The School of Midlife® has launched a book club called Your Next Chapter.

  • monthly discussions
  • get signed up
  • start reading

Each month we'll be reading and discussing books that relate to the unique experiences of midlife women. It's free to join and we'd love to have you meet up with us and add your voice to these important discussions.

Didn't have time to finish the book? No Problem, join in on the conversation anyway!

Speak Up,
Read Up!